您目前瀏覽作者為 Inge Leuverink 的商品

資料筆數共計 1 筆,共計 1 頁 進階搜尋

作者姓名:Wim Vanhaverbeke; Rein Nieland;Inge Leuverink;Femke van Hoven;Marijke van Wely;
商品類型:Case (Field)商品編號:9B05M072
出版日期:2005/10/28內容長度:23 頁

The New Business Development unit is part of DSM, a Dutch globally operated chemical company. The unit looks for promising new ideas to develop into start-up businesses. Stamypor is a new project that the New Business Development unit is working on and the team leader of the project must decide if it should be developed into a start-up company. Students will apply their knowledge about new product development, new product evaluation, the stage-gate .....more